You’ve probably tried meditations before but haven’t found them useful or haven’t found them to be as helpful as you hoped. That’s why you’re here.

The 3Melete Meditation Programs and Packages are based on vital research that has sound and frequency built into the very core. It’s meditation for change.

These meditations can be used in your everyday life, but can also be used for powerful support during challenging times. They will help you let go of stress, and develop, heighten, and deepen your innate abilities. All of these meditations are based on research using specific music and sound frequencies that will help teach your body, mind, emotions, and spirit to remember how to relax, connect, release, and realign to restorative states.

Research shows that by simply listening to specific music and sound patterns, the listener can access deeper levels of meditation and connect to insight, problem-solving, intuition, and creativity; all vital components of happiness, self-direction, trust, and wellness.

Specifically curated music and sound meditations that:

  • Are easy to use and effective … all you have to do is to listen and be with the frequencies

  • Will shift brain waves, heart rate, and respiration (core components of effective meditation)

  • Create positive changes at a faster rate (you will feel change happen at a more rapid pace!)