• You’ve probably tried different methods before but haven’t found them useful or haven’t found them to be as helpful as you hoped. That’s why you’re here.

    The 3Melete Sound Healing Programs are based on vital transformational research, and working with these sound systems for over 25 years that has sound and frequency built into the very core. Long-lasting and deep changes for our body, mind, emotions, and spirit.

    The systems are useful in your everyday life as powerful methods for building resilience, calm, emotional and mental regulation, boosting the immune system, connecting to insight, intuition, and problem-solving. The different programs include
  • Getting Good Sleep program
  • Mastering Challenging Times program
  • Managing Pain program
  • Healing program, and
  • Spiritual Awakening program.

What they all have in common is releasing stress and inflammation that are underlying contributors to physical and mental illness while building our inner spiritual wisdom. I developed these programs as systems that have long-lasting benefits with regular use that are expansive and comprehensive from working with people with cancer and immune- compromised illness, people with addiction, trauma, mental health diagnosis for recovery, with pain patients in Internal Medicine, and with spiritual awakening experiences in my private practice. All with amazing results.

Research shows simply by listening to specific music and sound patterns, the listener accesses deeper levels connecting to alpha brain waves and deeper that simultaneously shift heart rate, and respiration that access all the healing components that are epigenetic-above how our systems respond now to stress and trauma; all vital components of happiness, self-direction, trust, and wellness. Ancient tools for changing the paradigm!

Specifically curated music and sound meditations that:

  • Are easy to use and effective … all you have to do is to listen and be with the frequencies

  • Will shift brain waves, heart rate, and respiration (core components of effective meditation)

  • Create positive changes at a faster rate (you will feel change happen at a more rapid pace!)